New Blog Series: The Church in the Book of Ephesians

Over the next few weeks, we are going to do a series of blog posts on what it means to be the church. In our current moment when normalcy and routine are upset due to the COVID-19 crisis, it is important as the church to take an honest look at who we are and what we are called to be and do in this age.

Beginning with the book of Ephesians, we will examine what exactly Christ is calling us to.

Today, we start in Ephesians 1:1 which reads:

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God,

To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus….

The letter to the Ephesians was originally a circulated letter (meaning it was intended to be sent to many churches, not just the church at Ephesus).

Paul, in this letter, is identifying the churches as “saints who are faithful in Christ Jesus”. The word “saint” comes from the Latin for “sacred” and to be “sacred” is to be set apart for divine work and worship.

In other words, the church is the set apart people.

Set apart from what? We are set apart from the power struggles inherent in this world, from a world of idols and false identities, brokenness and sinful ambition.

But what is it that sets the church apart?

Our set apart nature is due to our faithfulness to the way, truth, and life of Christ.

Paul does not view the church as escapists or uninvolved in this life, rather, we are planted here in this place in the world to be set apart for the glory of God through faithfulness to the path of Jesus.

So how do we live this out practically?

What are some ways the church embodies the way of faithful Jesus love amid our COVID-19 world?

We would love to hear what you think!

Grace and Peace in Christ,

Matthew S Miller